Before and After... The Family Room Makeover

So I'm going to post before and afters of our family room.
I actually took a journey way back and thought it would be fun to post the timeline clear from the beginning.

When we moved in this is what it looked like... 2005 (the bookcases were brown as well).  We lived with it like this for a year, ew!

We were just leasing at the time, but the landlord said I could do whatever I wanted, it would just add value. I couldn't live with many of the things this house had to offer and I don't mind putting in the work. So we painted all of the wood white and the walls went to brown. We also painted all of the brick black.

It has been like this for years! We had our green couches, red curtains, brown walls. Then our TV went out (6/11) and I really wanted red couches to replace our green (we decided to replace those w/ the TV). We ended up getting our leather couch, at first to my chagrin, but much to my pleasure now. With that change I felt like that room was too dark so I started bringing in more color. I changed the curtains (which I'd wanted to replace anyway). Recovered my red chair to green, heading to my current color scheme. I also switched out the red rug in there for a lighter cream rug with some blues and greens in it.

I finished this room last month and have just recently felt like my mantle is how I want it. I still need to hang art through the room. I want to frame the kids art as well as some of my own. BUT, you get the idea of how it looks now. It is bright and airy, much lighter than before. We love it!

I was working with the rug I had. It was more traditional, it was ok. I was looking to replace a different rug and this was laying in front of me. I have had many a headache rug shopping. This was just laying there. PERFECTION. Contemporary, clean, perfect colors. I snatched that up so fast. I want to sleep with every night I love it so much! Perfect fit.