Happy Valentines

Monday was Valentines day. It was a great day!

Before I report on that a few things to show...

I got these sparkly foam hearts for a dollar a bunch. Great decor, all month long, LOVE it!

We added

this fun craft

to each of the handmade Valentines this year. This craft was right up the alley of little O. Normally, I am the opposing force when he gets hold of crayons. He doesn't like to color, he likes to break and peel! That annoys me and the other kids so he doesn't get crayons! He was so confused when I handed him a bowl of crayons and told him to go to town! He really enjoyed this craft!

The big kids didn't enjoy the peeling as much as the breaking so I peeled.

Every year my kids choose to make all of their Valentines. I really offer to buy, but they prefer to make, complete with a special message to each friend. It is sweet and I hope they continue to enjoy spreading 'the love' with those around them.

I made cake pops for both classrooms. I was a baking fiend on Sunday. My counter was full! Well worth it, they were a hit, all over town apparently!

Now for Monday itself...

I got to go into G's classroom and was in charge of the craft, I chose to do

wax paper stained glass hearts

, another hit with the kids! I had precut all of the hearts, we helped the kids do the crayon shavings themselves, then a couple of us moms ironed them. We had a mom on hole punching and string tying. I brought in a bunch of fun string. It went nice and smooth.

Since I have dance on Mondays M came home just a wee bit early. I LOVE v-day! It's like Christmas! I had gotten a few small gifts for everyone and had wrapped them. BUT, prior to any opening we all went through our little buckets and read our 'loves' (remember, from


post?) That was FABulous! It was so fun to read love notes together. We'll keep that going for the rest of the month and there is sure to be a cute little scrapbook of some sort to keep all of those hearts.

I just got the kids some puzzles, coloring/workbooks, some new shoes...

I got M new slippers, jammy pants and my 'great' gift was a shipment of Stephen's Hazelnut hot cocoa. He's been missing that UT favorite. I hooked him up w/ six tubs of it!

Since I've been a little Betty (Crocker that is) in the kitchen M got me kitchen themed stuff. New glass mixing bowls, bitty glass bowls, new salt/pepper shakers, a new baster (realized at Christmas we never replaced our old one), and some bag clips with magnets on them (we've 'misplaced' ours several times!) Great gifts! LOVED them! (No judgements on this photo! I am post run and pre dance!)

And there you have it! That is enough love for the past few days I've missed right?