Last week...
I've been doing well at recording a bit on paper each day.
Since I've been doing that I can tell you little blips from last week, because now I remember... because I wrote it down!!!
Little bits from last week include...
-Taking my Christmas tree out to the street by myself... because I just couldn't wait! When I'm finished, I'm finished, and I was done!
-Deep cleaning and organizing as things get packed up.
-E's face plant into the treadmill. He's healing quite nicely.

-Many errands
-Conversations via phone with my old/good friend Paige. Also chatted w/ Marci, Cand, Mom.
-FHE in the car... home from the dance studio.
-Leaving my wallet in the shopping cart at Target. I realized that when I arrived home to the pizza delivery guy waiting for me (they are never early!) and I couldn't find my wallet! When I went back all of the carts had been collected already, fortunately the worker is the one who found and turned in my wallet.
On that subject, shouldn't people check/verify when someone says "I lost my wallet"? The girl said "is it brown?" Of course it's brown, how many colors do people buy wallets in? There was no checking of a driver's license, even though I offered my name, so they could. Nothing, but a 'sign here please'. What is that for? So when the fraudulent person runs off with my wallet you can call their non-phone number? Just saying.
-Forgetting my wallet at home when I went to go shopping, annoying! I really need to use a purse.
-Many LOST re-runs w/ Matt. We are finished with the first season.
-A date w/ Matt. We went to a new eatery and went to see Tron in 3D, pretty cool, I must say.
-A 10 mile run. I'll admit it has been a LONG time since I've run that far. I had every intention of keeping 10-13 miles as maintenance long runs, but didn't! It felt good. I don't know my time because I lost my watch, the only one that has a stop watch, the only one of the 3 that hasn't died... lost it on the road. Bummer.
-Hair cuts for the little boys
-A deep cut on my thumb knuckle from opening a can... with the helpful tab even.
-Many games of football watched by M and G.
-Monopoly and Triominos (M and G again).
Q- Stopped some gossip at her lunch table, stuck up for a gal. My neighbor was on lunch duty and saw, told me the next day. Super excited for her birthday. Challenged w/ being a better friend to Joely. SUCH a good helper to me, really, she'll stop what she's doing and help at any time.
G- Countless laps between dining room and family room. I guess not countless, he came to me the other day and said he'd been back and forth 100 times. He was playing with a balloon, imagining it was a football and made 100 touchdowns! The balloon popped and he was super bummed. Now he is playing with the football which is fun, but it doesn't do the slow motion, falling into your arms, that he was enjoying. I can hear him cheering for himself! Love it! Challenged w/ listening/following instructions. Gave a talk in primary.
O- Sometimes, when I take the kids to the bus stop, which is down the street a few houses, I hear a voice calling to me. I've usually started walking back, then end up running. Little O will open the front door and scream MOOOOMMMMM! I have to yell back 'shut the door, I'm coming!'. This is an improvement from him just opening the door and running out towards me! He did that a couple of times this fall... He is very good and very into puzzles. We are working on speaking kindly as just about anything that falls from that sweet mouth is tainted with a venomous voice. He's not trying to be mean, most of the time, he just speaks very sternly! He breaks almost everything he touches! Says 'ahhh, c'mon', just like a teenager.

E- Says uh-mon, when he wants to go play. Loves the wiggles. Eats like a piggy! Screams loud and cries quickly! He can turn that off and say sorry on the spot. He got to bite O this week, since O bit him. It didn't take any coaxing actually, we stuck O's arm out for him and he went ahead and chomped! Take that! Working on him finding his own thing to do, since he follows O around and cries when O won't give him whatever he just started playing with! He is also quite good at the easier puzzles.
Since I've been doing that I can tell you little blips from last week, because now I remember... because I wrote it down!!!
Little bits from last week include...
-Taking my Christmas tree out to the street by myself... because I just couldn't wait! When I'm finished, I'm finished, and I was done!
-Deep cleaning and organizing as things get packed up.
-E's face plant into the treadmill. He's healing quite nicely.
-Many errands
-Conversations via phone with my old/good friend Paige. Also chatted w/ Marci, Cand, Mom.
-FHE in the car... home from the dance studio.
-Leaving my wallet in the shopping cart at Target. I realized that when I arrived home to the pizza delivery guy waiting for me (they are never early!) and I couldn't find my wallet! When I went back all of the carts had been collected already, fortunately the worker is the one who found and turned in my wallet.
On that subject, shouldn't people check/verify when someone says "I lost my wallet"? The girl said "is it brown?" Of course it's brown, how many colors do people buy wallets in? There was no checking of a driver's license, even though I offered my name, so they could. Nothing, but a 'sign here please'. What is that for? So when the fraudulent person runs off with my wallet you can call their non-phone number? Just saying.
-Forgetting my wallet at home when I went to go shopping, annoying! I really need to use a purse.
-Many LOST re-runs w/ Matt. We are finished with the first season.
-A date w/ Matt. We went to a new eatery and went to see Tron in 3D, pretty cool, I must say.
-A 10 mile run. I'll admit it has been a LONG time since I've run that far. I had every intention of keeping 10-13 miles as maintenance long runs, but didn't! It felt good. I don't know my time because I lost my watch, the only one that has a stop watch, the only one of the 3 that hasn't died... lost it on the road. Bummer.
-Hair cuts for the little boys
-A deep cut on my thumb knuckle from opening a can... with the helpful tab even.
-Many games of football watched by M and G.
-Monopoly and Triominos (M and G again).
Q- Stopped some gossip at her lunch table, stuck up for a gal. My neighbor was on lunch duty and saw, told me the next day. Super excited for her birthday. Challenged w/ being a better friend to Joely. SUCH a good helper to me, really, she'll stop what she's doing and help at any time.
G- Countless laps between dining room and family room. I guess not countless, he came to me the other day and said he'd been back and forth 100 times. He was playing with a balloon, imagining it was a football and made 100 touchdowns! The balloon popped and he was super bummed. Now he is playing with the football which is fun, but it doesn't do the slow motion, falling into your arms, that he was enjoying. I can hear him cheering for himself! Love it! Challenged w/ listening/following instructions. Gave a talk in primary.
O- Sometimes, when I take the kids to the bus stop, which is down the street a few houses, I hear a voice calling to me. I've usually started walking back, then end up running. Little O will open the front door and scream MOOOOMMMMM! I have to yell back 'shut the door, I'm coming!'. This is an improvement from him just opening the door and running out towards me! He did that a couple of times this fall... He is very good and very into puzzles. We are working on speaking kindly as just about anything that falls from that sweet mouth is tainted with a venomous voice. He's not trying to be mean, most of the time, he just speaks very sternly! He breaks almost everything he touches! Says 'ahhh, c'mon', just like a teenager.
E- Says uh-mon, when he wants to go play. Loves the wiggles. Eats like a piggy! Screams loud and cries quickly! He can turn that off and say sorry on the spot. He got to bite O this week, since O bit him. It didn't take any coaxing actually, we stuck O's arm out for him and he went ahead and chomped! Take that! Working on him finding his own thing to do, since he follows O around and cries when O won't give him whatever he just started playing with! He is also quite good at the easier puzzles.