What have you been up to?
A quickie w/ what we've been up to.
- Getting ready for school. I've got all things checked off the supply list. I have been a 'new buy' gal for school stuff, but not this year. I have enough pink pearl erasers to last these kids through high school, we're using them, even if they've been used before! It feels good to have it done. Q has even selected her clothing for her first day. G doesn't care!
- It is like Christmas when THE letter comes. We've been waiting patiently and my neighbor Sue told me last Saturday that the letters were coming Tuesday. The kids were beyond excited and initially they wanted to wait until dad came home to open them together. With the phone calls coming 'who did you get' there was no waiting. Q got Mrs. Johnston, same as her friend Elle who called. G got Mrs. Pope, who was Q's teacher. They were squealing with delight. It was funny to see Q call her friend and leave her first message. You could barely hear her. We need to practice more.
- It's a good thing we didn't wait for M on Tuesday. He got home super late. He had to do some much awaited disciplining at work and it ended up taking a couple of hours. He does a great job as a manager, is very clear in reasoning and consequence. He's been dealing w/ this woman who admitted she's been blatent in her actions for a while. It's all official now and she's on probation. We'll see how it goes for her.
- Saturday I spent the WHOLE day working on the things in my garage! I will post photos and specifics at my 'stuff I make' blog, but I washed and painted old windows, painted two chairs, painted my candlestick, finished a bookcase table. ALL day, seriously.
- Now I'm working on two desks for the kids rooms.
- This week we rearranged Q's room, to make room for her desk. We deep cleaned and trashed some things, gave away old toys, painted some frames, cleaned. It was nice. She gets so many little things out and has all her collectables everywhere ahh it drives me nuts! I have to just walk away. We got it all under control and there is order in her room again! Next will be G's room.
- M took G fishing last Saturday. They have yet to catch anything, but G still likes it.
- A couple of weeks ago M was going to take both Q and G golfing, but Q got sick. The two boys ended up going golfing, to Mighty Taco, then to look at airplanes. G got home and said it was the best day ever, then they went out and looked at stars. He was on cloud 9 for several days. He LOVEd that time w/ dad.
- The next evening I took the kids to see Dispicable Me. It was our first time w/ a 3D movie. Sounds silly, but we don't GO to the movies, we watch them at home. It was so fun to see them react to the 3D, and they very much enjoyed the show.
- Speaking of movies, M and I have watched Bride Wars and Marley and Me recently. I thought I'd owe M one for sitting through a girl show AND a show about a dog!!! We really enjoyed them though. The humor was great and the shows weren't cheesy. We've also recorded on the DVR Gladiator. That took us a few nights to get through, but I thought it was good. I didn't see all of the stuff edited, but the violence I saw was bad enough. It makes me sick that people would enjoy such an event as watching people kill each other for sport. Whatever! I did enjoy the show though. For our line up now we have Forrest Gump and Runaway Jury.
- I took all 4 kids to church alone on Sunday. M wanted to golf w/ some friends from work. He usually stays home so I leave the little boys w/ him, but I took them this week so he could golf. I've been taking O w/ me and have been sort of hit and miss w/ him. He's not so fond of nursery but he still wants to go to church. He asks every week if he can. It's a bit ironic because he (O) does so well through sacrament meeting, it's nursery he doesn't like! Go figure. Anyway. I was nervous most about sacrament meeting. 1 and 2 are fine, it's #3 if 4 has problems! If my 1 year old needs to go out then #2 will surely need to also, then it would be a mess!We did just fine though. I didn't have to leave at all! There was only one little squabble between O and E, but it passed. I realized that I haven't been teaching E to use a quiet voice! He is loud! He actually quieted down during the sacrament and remained relatively quiet the whole meeting! AND, the boy LOVED nursery. He is only 17 months, still too young to go, but the nursery leader said it may be good to have him come in early, he can help O get used to it. I do want to have all my kids there with me and Sunday made me hopeful that I don't have to wait until they are primary age!!! I hope to get back to my meetings soon. I miss them!
- We are heading to the beach on Friday, always need at least one trip to Crystal beach.
- Been chatting on the phone. Marci and I caught up yesterday, oh she makes me laugh, I wish I could jump on over and spend the day w/ her. On Sunday I talked w/ Paige, it's been far too long. I miss that family. I talked w/ my sis Michelle yesterday, happy to celebrate her new purchase! Mom and I visited Tuesday for a while. Checked in w/ Molly this week. I'm excited for them to get their buns back here to Buffalo.
- Researching info on the computer, making a big purchase for myself! WAY excited.
- Finalizing photo plans for the wedding I'm shooting in October.
- Photographed the Kniess family, gave them a bonus print for being such good costumers.
- Having the Zappia's over for dinner tonight. Afterwards our block is having a movie night. We'll be seeing photos from our block party then watching a movie projected onto the Woolinghams garage. Should be fun.
Some pix of the kids jumping on the trampoline...

- Getting ready for school. I've got all things checked off the supply list. I have been a 'new buy' gal for school stuff, but not this year. I have enough pink pearl erasers to last these kids through high school, we're using them, even if they've been used before! It feels good to have it done. Q has even selected her clothing for her first day. G doesn't care!
- It is like Christmas when THE letter comes. We've been waiting patiently and my neighbor Sue told me last Saturday that the letters were coming Tuesday. The kids were beyond excited and initially they wanted to wait until dad came home to open them together. With the phone calls coming 'who did you get' there was no waiting. Q got Mrs. Johnston, same as her friend Elle who called. G got Mrs. Pope, who was Q's teacher. They were squealing with delight. It was funny to see Q call her friend and leave her first message. You could barely hear her. We need to practice more.
- It's a good thing we didn't wait for M on Tuesday. He got home super late. He had to do some much awaited disciplining at work and it ended up taking a couple of hours. He does a great job as a manager, is very clear in reasoning and consequence. He's been dealing w/ this woman who admitted she's been blatent in her actions for a while. It's all official now and she's on probation. We'll see how it goes for her.
- Saturday I spent the WHOLE day working on the things in my garage! I will post photos and specifics at my 'stuff I make' blog, but I washed and painted old windows, painted two chairs, painted my candlestick, finished a bookcase table. ALL day, seriously.
- Now I'm working on two desks for the kids rooms.
- This week we rearranged Q's room, to make room for her desk. We deep cleaned and trashed some things, gave away old toys, painted some frames, cleaned. It was nice. She gets so many little things out and has all her collectables everywhere ahh it drives me nuts! I have to just walk away. We got it all under control and there is order in her room again! Next will be G's room.
- M took G fishing last Saturday. They have yet to catch anything, but G still likes it.
- A couple of weeks ago M was going to take both Q and G golfing, but Q got sick. The two boys ended up going golfing, to Mighty Taco, then to look at airplanes. G got home and said it was the best day ever, then they went out and looked at stars. He was on cloud 9 for several days. He LOVEd that time w/ dad.
- The next evening I took the kids to see Dispicable Me. It was our first time w/ a 3D movie. Sounds silly, but we don't GO to the movies, we watch them at home. It was so fun to see them react to the 3D, and they very much enjoyed the show.
- Speaking of movies, M and I have watched Bride Wars and Marley and Me recently. I thought I'd owe M one for sitting through a girl show AND a show about a dog!!! We really enjoyed them though. The humor was great and the shows weren't cheesy. We've also recorded on the DVR Gladiator. That took us a few nights to get through, but I thought it was good. I didn't see all of the stuff edited, but the violence I saw was bad enough. It makes me sick that people would enjoy such an event as watching people kill each other for sport. Whatever! I did enjoy the show though. For our line up now we have Forrest Gump and Runaway Jury.
- I took all 4 kids to church alone on Sunday. M wanted to golf w/ some friends from work. He usually stays home so I leave the little boys w/ him, but I took them this week so he could golf. I've been taking O w/ me and have been sort of hit and miss w/ him. He's not so fond of nursery but he still wants to go to church. He asks every week if he can. It's a bit ironic because he (O) does so well through sacrament meeting, it's nursery he doesn't like! Go figure. Anyway. I was nervous most about sacrament meeting. 1 and 2 are fine, it's #3 if 4 has problems! If my 1 year old needs to go out then #2 will surely need to also, then it would be a mess!We did just fine though. I didn't have to leave at all! There was only one little squabble between O and E, but it passed. I realized that I haven't been teaching E to use a quiet voice! He is loud! He actually quieted down during the sacrament and remained relatively quiet the whole meeting! AND, the boy LOVED nursery. He is only 17 months, still too young to go, but the nursery leader said it may be good to have him come in early, he can help O get used to it. I do want to have all my kids there with me and Sunday made me hopeful that I don't have to wait until they are primary age!!! I hope to get back to my meetings soon. I miss them!
- We are heading to the beach on Friday, always need at least one trip to Crystal beach.
- Been chatting on the phone. Marci and I caught up yesterday, oh she makes me laugh, I wish I could jump on over and spend the day w/ her. On Sunday I talked w/ Paige, it's been far too long. I miss that family. I talked w/ my sis Michelle yesterday, happy to celebrate her new purchase! Mom and I visited Tuesday for a while. Checked in w/ Molly this week. I'm excited for them to get their buns back here to Buffalo.
- Researching info on the computer, making a big purchase for myself! WAY excited.
- Finalizing photo plans for the wedding I'm shooting in October.
- Photographed the Kniess family, gave them a bonus print for being such good costumers.
- Having the Zappia's over for dinner tonight. Afterwards our block is having a movie night. We'll be seeing photos from our block party then watching a movie projected onto the Woolinghams garage. Should be fun.
Some pix of the kids jumping on the trampoline...