Can you walk?
Or, do you have some money to donate?

My cutest sister-in-law Wendy is in charge of her first fund raising event for the JDRF. My cute nephew Avery has juvenile diabetes, and is quite the rock star. He is SUCH a cute kid and he lives with this thing like it's nothing, although I'm not sure he realizes life could be any different.
To read their story see Wendy's Blog
And to participate in the walk, or to donate to help them reach their goal go HERE.
I wish I could be in UT to support the walk with my cute family, but I hope my money is just as good!!!
My cutest sister-in-law Wendy is in charge of her first fund raising event for the JDRF. My cute nephew Avery has juvenile diabetes, and is quite the rock star. He is SUCH a cute kid and he lives with this thing like it's nothing, although I'm not sure he realizes life could be any different.
To read their story see Wendy's Blog
And to participate in the walk, or to donate to help them reach their goal go HERE.
I wish I could be in UT to support the walk with my cute family, but I hope my money is just as good!!!