Emerson Joseph
We call him Zemee, Zemmers or Zemee-zoo.
He is now 6 months.
He has two bottom teeth, started getting them last month. I think he's gotten teeth youngest of all my kids.
He rolls over occasionally, but prefers to be sitting up. Sits like a champ!
He loves the jumper, and is okay with the saucer as long as someone is close by, to chat with when he gets bored.
He has a breathless giggle.
He does the suck in air and make the growling sound.
He has started this talk that sounds more like a scream!
He is completely clueless when it comes to a binky! I did get him to suck on it once, but he prefers to cry/talk himself to sleep.
That is about the only time is cranky, when he's ready to sleep.
He is such a happy boy.
Loves to watch his older siblings. He lights up when they pay attention to him.
O doesn't even have to pay attention to him and E will stare and smile at him.
No solids yet, although I did try rice cereal a while back and he did just fine. I tried a banana while we were on vacation and he barfed all over me... and I had nothing to wipe with... love that!
He has beautiful blue eyes and the hair that should go behind his ears ALWAYS insist on covering his ears (guess I'll have to cut it soon). He has fuzzy hair that sticks up in the back.
We love this little boy. He is pure joy.
Here are some classics caught...

The bottom lip is often sucked in and sucked on.

The serious, chin down, eyes up look. He does this a lot.

Can you see his hair over his ears? I love his giggley smile.
We love our little E. He makes our family happy.
He is now 6 months.
He has two bottom teeth, started getting them last month. I think he's gotten teeth youngest of all my kids.
He rolls over occasionally, but prefers to be sitting up. Sits like a champ!
He loves the jumper, and is okay with the saucer as long as someone is close by, to chat with when he gets bored.
He has a breathless giggle.
He does the suck in air and make the growling sound.
He has started this talk that sounds more like a scream!
He is completely clueless when it comes to a binky! I did get him to suck on it once, but he prefers to cry/talk himself to sleep.
That is about the only time is cranky, when he's ready to sleep.
He is such a happy boy.
Loves to watch his older siblings. He lights up when they pay attention to him.
O doesn't even have to pay attention to him and E will stare and smile at him.
No solids yet, although I did try rice cereal a while back and he did just fine. I tried a banana while we were on vacation and he barfed all over me... and I had nothing to wipe with... love that!
He has beautiful blue eyes and the hair that should go behind his ears ALWAYS insist on covering his ears (guess I'll have to cut it soon). He has fuzzy hair that sticks up in the back.
We love this little boy. He is pure joy.
Here are some classics caught...
The bottom lip is often sucked in and sucked on.
The serious, chin down, eyes up look. He does this a lot.
Can you see his hair over his ears? I love his giggley smile.
We love our little E. He makes our family happy.