This cutie-tootie just turned three months! He is sooooo sweet. He is smiling and talking and sucking on his hands. I've even got him to giggle just a couple of times. He is mellow and loves when people take time to sit and chat with him! He is sleeping so well and is growing so fast. Love my littlest handsome.

Love my three boys! Aren't they cute?

This little guy is so cute... in such a devious way! He turns 15 months soon. He is cruising around and has kicked up his tempo! He's almost at a jog now!
He likes to spin and make himself dizzy, he is enjoying the stairs, although we don't! He's not into learning how to come down yet, so it's just a big accident waiting to happen, but what can you do when you have stairs? He is quite cautions on our single step into the family room because he has fallen there. He hasn't fallen on any of the big staircases so he's not as cautious.
He loves to clap his hands, he and Q are both enjoying it when she feeds him. He is enjoying many different kinds of foods and we hope that stays intact.
He is into all sorts of stuff and on a daily basis Matt comes home to a mess of shoes at the bottom of his closet, with the shoe stand turned on it's side. It's like a game right now... mom puts fun things in a big white thing with four buckets and right after they are put away I get to throw them on the floor again! Doesn't that sound fun!!! As busy as it is to keep the house looking some-what tidy, I really do enjoy hearing him cruise around and babble to himself while he's destroying all neatness. He is discovering and that really is so rewarding and fun to watch.

Recital time is over! The shows went so well. Thanks to my sweet friends who came and took a peek into a big part of my life.

Now we are packing and off on a group camping trip. It should be fun! It involves camping as a family so we are sure to have a good time!