New stuff

I am now on ETSY!
I'm not sure how it will go, but we'll give it a shot!
I am linked on the sidebar... or you can look HERE.

I also added some new items to my STUFF I MAKE blog.

And, I'm all about shoes right now! Just can't get enough of them! It's obvious at this point I'm not all about buying clothing for me... but I can't wait until my first shopping trip out! Really though I've never been much into shoes, give me function with some cute and I'm happy. I am loving fun shoes though! Where have I been?
Here are some lovies that put a little pep in my step!!!

Life stops for nothing so we were up and at 'em today.
I got some items checked of my to do list and, although I needed a nap today, I was feeling good about being back out among the living!

I got my hospital registration dropped off. Quick and painless. That is something that I do like about this hospital... valet parking! I even told them I wouldn't be that long and my car was waiting right there for me when I got back. Nice.

I got some stuff dropped off at the salvation army. Happy to de-clutter!

I hit BJ's for some bulk purchases! I even bought us some bitsy diapers! Oh, my changing table is FULL of diapers! I got to see some friends there! (waving at Alexis and Eliza) That was fun, and useful... they found the flour tortillas for me!

I took the kids outside for some FRESH, sick free air! That felt so good! O was all bright and smiley. I even opened up the doors and vented our home a bit! Needed that!

I have all of my baby clothes washed and folded. I even pulled out ALL of the boy clothes and rearranged them so I can pull out stuff for both boys at the same time as they grow.

I still have a bunch I'd like to do... just need more energy! I'll get there though!
carolyn mcafee6 Comments