Dressed in overalls
Two quotes I like...
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls, and looks like work."
-Thomas Edison
"The heights by great men reached and kept
Were not attained by sudden flight,
But they, while their companions slept,
Were toiling upward in the night."
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
I come from hardworking stock.
My mother still to this day in her 60's is doing ridiculous work, digging up and replacing sprinklers, mowing her lawn, moving around furniture!
It keeps her young and alive.
I grew up working.
I find great value in being taught, although it isn't always fun, work is of value.
Is it a learned behavior or inherent to be a hard worker? I don't know, but I want to do what I can to teach my kids to work.
Up until this summer my kids have done 'jobs', like putting away the silverware, cleaning their rooms, making beds, brushing teeth... is that a 'job'?
Anyway, this summer we are working.
My friend Kari is so great at stuff like this. I was totally inspired by her.
Her 2 year old brings that big trash can in from the street!!!
What? He's got to be too small! Nope, he does it!
I've been 'waiting' for my kids to get big enough! If her 2 year old can do it, it's high time my kids get to work!
So, we've turned over a leaf and we are working.
And, we are enjoying it.
It's not 'rewarded' with anything. We all do it because we live here.
We are switching jobs from week to week but in the morning, after breakfast (which isn't served until we are dressed with beds made and teeth brushed) we spend an hour or so working and then we can play.
The kids water the flowers, take out the garbage's, clean toilets, clean vanities, dust, separate and do laundry, hang up and put away their own laundry, weed, wipe down the table after meals...
I am surprised at how work has been so empowering and exciting for them. They are learning new skills and feel responsible for certain things. They feel satisfied when a task is completed. I am loving this!
Last week we all went out and weeded together. I thought it was so cute that Q decided our trash can was a bird (the handles were the wings). They kept 'feeding' the bird the weeds we picked through the crack in the can! That is something my dad was gifted at, finding fun in unpleasant things. We had a really good time working together.

While we were working Q said she remembered when we'd been out there before and G was riding his bike and she was riding the scooter and I was pulling weeds... all by myself. She said, mom I don't want you to have to do this by yourself. I loved hearing her say that!
As we pulled out of our driveway I commented on that fabulous looking flowerbed and we all admired our hard work. It was quite rewarding.
So, I'm on the road. I can't stop now. There is no reason for mom and dad to carry the burden alone. We are a family and we'll work on our 'home' together. I hope we can learn and teach lessons along the way. I hope we don't stop! I hope it brings us closer together. I hope learning this skill while they are young helps them find success as they grow.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls, and looks like work."
-Thomas Edison
"The heights by great men reached and kept
Were not attained by sudden flight,
But they, while their companions slept,
Were toiling upward in the night."
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
I come from hardworking stock.
My mother still to this day in her 60's is doing ridiculous work, digging up and replacing sprinklers, mowing her lawn, moving around furniture!
It keeps her young and alive.
I grew up working.
I find great value in being taught, although it isn't always fun, work is of value.
Is it a learned behavior or inherent to be a hard worker? I don't know, but I want to do what I can to teach my kids to work.
Up until this summer my kids have done 'jobs', like putting away the silverware, cleaning their rooms, making beds, brushing teeth... is that a 'job'?
Anyway, this summer we are working.
My friend Kari is so great at stuff like this. I was totally inspired by her.
Her 2 year old brings that big trash can in from the street!!!
What? He's got to be too small! Nope, he does it!
I've been 'waiting' for my kids to get big enough! If her 2 year old can do it, it's high time my kids get to work!
So, we've turned over a leaf and we are working.
And, we are enjoying it.
It's not 'rewarded' with anything. We all do it because we live here.
We are switching jobs from week to week but in the morning, after breakfast (which isn't served until we are dressed with beds made and teeth brushed) we spend an hour or so working and then we can play.
The kids water the flowers, take out the garbage's, clean toilets, clean vanities, dust, separate and do laundry, hang up and put away their own laundry, weed, wipe down the table after meals...
I am surprised at how work has been so empowering and exciting for them. They are learning new skills and feel responsible for certain things. They feel satisfied when a task is completed. I am loving this!
Last week we all went out and weeded together. I thought it was so cute that Q decided our trash can was a bird (the handles were the wings). They kept 'feeding' the bird the weeds we picked through the crack in the can! That is something my dad was gifted at, finding fun in unpleasant things. We had a really good time working together.
While we were working Q said she remembered when we'd been out there before and G was riding his bike and she was riding the scooter and I was pulling weeds... all by myself. She said, mom I don't want you to have to do this by yourself. I loved hearing her say that!
As we pulled out of our driveway I commented on that fabulous looking flowerbed and we all admired our hard work. It was quite rewarding.
So, I'm on the road. I can't stop now. There is no reason for mom and dad to carry the burden alone. We are a family and we'll work on our 'home' together. I hope we can learn and teach lessons along the way. I hope we don't stop! I hope it brings us closer together. I hope learning this skill while they are young helps them find success as they grow.