Tender hearts
Matt flew out to UT this morning.
We miss him already!
His nephew is getting married and there is much McAfee family time planned.
I'm excited for him to spend some time w/ his fam, it's been a couple of years.
We will miss him though.
Last night we went out to eat and spent some time together.
I think the kids were anxious about him leaving.
G came in to snuggle with dad this morning at about 4am. Something I'm sure Matt won't miss for a week! And this morning each time Matt moved G woke up and said, "I want to come with you." Cute.
Q woke up at 5am in a panic and crying. When I went in there she said, "I don't think dad packed the picture I drew for him." She was crying and I tried to reassure her we'd give it to him before he left. "But what if I forget mom?" I'll remember.
Such sweet kids. Such tender hearts. They sure love their daddy.
I have been w/o the internet today and about in a panic myself thinking I'd have to go w/o for a whole week! Grrrr.
Thanks to Shawn for fixing the problem!
Here are some recent LO's.

Also this week...
-We got a new pool. A pretty big one. It will be good for the days we can't make it to the splash park.
-Q had run through and dress rehearsal. She really is pretty good! I'm surprised she remembers her dance as well as she does. I'm excited for her to perform. Sad Matt won't be able to see her, but glad she isn't too bummed about that!
-Matt & I went to see the concert. Love how my stuff turned out! They were a hit! If I could ever figure out youtube I could post them... hmmmm.
We miss him already!
His nephew is getting married and there is much McAfee family time planned.
I'm excited for him to spend some time w/ his fam, it's been a couple of years.
We will miss him though.
Last night we went out to eat and spent some time together.
I think the kids were anxious about him leaving.
G came in to snuggle with dad this morning at about 4am. Something I'm sure Matt won't miss for a week! And this morning each time Matt moved G woke up and said, "I want to come with you." Cute.
Q woke up at 5am in a panic and crying. When I went in there she said, "I don't think dad packed the picture I drew for him." She was crying and I tried to reassure her we'd give it to him before he left. "But what if I forget mom?" I'll remember.
Such sweet kids. Such tender hearts. They sure love their daddy.
I have been w/o the internet today and about in a panic myself thinking I'd have to go w/o for a whole week! Grrrr.
Thanks to Shawn for fixing the problem!
Here are some recent LO's.

Also this week...
-We got a new pool. A pretty big one. It will be good for the days we can't make it to the splash park.
-Q had run through and dress rehearsal. She really is pretty good! I'm surprised she remembers her dance as well as she does. I'm excited for her to perform. Sad Matt won't be able to see her, but glad she isn't too bummed about that!
-Matt & I went to see the concert. Love how my stuff turned out! They were a hit! If I could ever figure out youtube I could post them... hmmmm.