Thank Heavens
Wow, it's been a rough week.
It's been a very rough week.
All I can say is thank heaven...
For my husband that stands to protect me and love me and remind me who I am.
For my kids that remind me of happiness and joy and truth.
For friends that reach out to hold and care for me and listen to promptings.
For little or, quite big miracles that put things in perspective.
For love, that truly heals wounds.
My mom comes to visit tomorrow. I'm excited to throw my arms around her and love her.
It's been a very rough week.
All I can say is thank heaven...
For my husband that stands to protect me and love me and remind me who I am.
For my kids that remind me of happiness and joy and truth.
For friends that reach out to hold and care for me and listen to promptings.
For little or, quite big miracles that put things in perspective.
For love, that truly heals wounds.
My mom comes to visit tomorrow. I'm excited to throw my arms around her and love her.