Wish I could say the same...

Man, this week has been a rough one.
Despite cleaning up E's fecal matter, my awful parenting skills, and my general emotional instability I have much to be thankful for. In fact at times like these its best to see some good amidst all of the chaos.

Things I'm thankful for...
-My best friend Matt, love can heal all sorts of things, and having him love me, well I need it...
-Friends with great timing. I got a box from Susan today. Thanks my friend. She is ever so generous to me. It really brightened my day.
-Hand soap, for the yuck mess I had to clean up ALL WEEK
-Band aids to cover up my mistakes
-Phone calls from family
-A quilt to keep my quietly busy, meditating
-The OC when I need to escape
-The sun, to shine on my face and quietly calm my nerves
-Words of living apostles, to also calm my soul and teach me life lessons
-A Savior who still today offers forgiveness for all of my imperfections
-I no longer have to teach preschool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Dinner tonight with my family, yummy fries and onion rings
-A son who is obedient and oh so happy
-A daughter who forgives and loves so deeply