Lynette is coming to town! This week! I'm so excited!
Here are some photos of my painted rooms. They still haven't been 'finished', but you can see the paint jobs!
master before (right before paint!)

master after

Q's blue room before

Q's after... still messy!

play room before

after... need a new rug for sure!

view 2 (chalkboard wall)

New Years was so much fun! We usually don't do much, but this year we had a get together with some friends! We ended up having SO much fun! Laughing SO hard! Seriously Matt and I still crack up at the one liner reminders we throw at each other! We played Bunko and I totally won... both the game and the Bunko prize. We played Catch Phrase and finally The Newlywed Game. It was fun! Glad we could make some memories this year! We took the kids out to make noise at midnight then left shortly thereafter. Can you believe my kids were still tickin'? They were well behaved too!
Here are some photos of my painted rooms. They still haven't been 'finished', but you can see the paint jobs!
master before (right before paint!)

master after

Q's blue room before

Q's after... still messy!

play room before

after... need a new rug for sure!

view 2 (chalkboard wall)

New Years was so much fun! We usually don't do much, but this year we had a get together with some friends! We ended up having SO much fun! Laughing SO hard! Seriously Matt and I still crack up at the one liner reminders we throw at each other! We played Bunko and I totally won... both the game and the Bunko prize. We played Catch Phrase and finally The Newlywed Game. It was fun! Glad we could make some memories this year! We took the kids out to make noise at midnight then left shortly thereafter. Can you believe my kids were still tickin'? They were well behaved too!