Vote for me...
I remember running for class office as a sophomore! I totally lost to Jenny Pickle! It didn't scar me too badly since she has become one of my most favorite friends!
I feel again like I have to put up the big poster, like I'll be crushed if I don't win, come up with a clever slogan... who am I kidding? I was never meant for politics.
I did enter a wee little contest (with like 4 other people) at
this site. It's a 'reality' layout, scrap the messiest room in your house.

Here is my LO and here is the link to where it is on the site. You have to get a user ID if you don't have one. Here is the link to vote.
I also did this guy...

Halloween was great fun. I'll post about that when I get my pictures. We had a get together with friends and went trick or treating together. I, however forgot my camera.
Yesterday was a shopping day! Retail therapy for me! It worked yesterday, but I'm on the edge of a breakdown today... if only I had more money!!! I could sure go shopping again!
Monday I took a make up dance class. Because of the storm I missed one, so they let us do make ups. I took a class that the younger, more agile girls take. It KICKED my BUTT! I am still S-O-R-E. I hope I can teach tonight! The owner was the teacher and was very complimentary despite my lack of strength! Whew!
I feel again like I have to put up the big poster, like I'll be crushed if I don't win, come up with a clever slogan... who am I kidding? I was never meant for politics.
I did enter a wee little contest (with like 4 other people) at
this site. It's a 'reality' layout, scrap the messiest room in your house.

Here is my LO and here is the link to where it is on the site. You have to get a user ID if you don't have one. Here is the link to vote.
I also did this guy...

Halloween was great fun. I'll post about that when I get my pictures. We had a get together with friends and went trick or treating together. I, however forgot my camera.
Yesterday was a shopping day! Retail therapy for me! It worked yesterday, but I'm on the edge of a breakdown today... if only I had more money!!! I could sure go shopping again!
Monday I took a make up dance class. Because of the storm I missed one, so they let us do make ups. I took a class that the younger, more agile girls take. It KICKED my BUTT! I am still S-O-R-E. I hope I can teach tonight! The owner was the teacher and was very complimentary despite my lack of strength! Whew!