If you can believe it...

I actually scrapped yesterday.

This is from last week, a circle journal entry...

I did this one quickly yesterday morning as I waited for little E to come. It sort of shows eh? Oh well, at some point you have to not care right?

This one came together quickly last night too. I hope to get some time today as well.

It's good to scrap again.

Girls night was fun last night, with the exception of a few things!!! I guess waiting 1 1/2 hours to get food isn't that bad as long as you are in good company.

Jen, you'll understand that last night I had another WVC interaction... with the head nod and "the only thing I know about WVC are there are gangs there" conversation! This gal is from Ogden... so silly! What can you do? If you didn't ever live there I guess you'd never understand!

Perception is often based on placement. If you don't stand where one stands, often you can't see what they see. Why then am I surprised any time this happens!?

And, random trivia... The girl under the umbrella has been the logo of Morton Salt for years. Morton adds trace amounts of sodium silicoaluminate to their salt to keep it from clumping together in damp or humid weather. So, the logo implies that when it rains 'it', being the salt, still pours.

Happy Friday!
carolyn mcafee9 Comments