... just not scrapping!
I finished my order for three bracelets and three necklaces. I hope she likes them.
I am creating jewelry right now and loving it. I'll take some photos.
Here is my cover page and entry for my circle journal.

my entry

I am even feeling anxious to start scrapping again. Once I get past the business!
On that note, thanks Jen for the Basic Grey stuff! Can't wait to use it!
I am doing photos on Friday EARLY in the morning, well I'm not taking photos until later, but I am getting up at the crack, to drive to the shoot.
This weekend we are going camping, just our little family.
I have been called to serve as secretary in the Young Women Organization.
We took Q to the doctor today. I took this photo of her 'issue' yesterday. I don't like it when I don't feel like doctors are interested. It bugs me.

And now for the reflections, the 'perspective' part of today's entry...
After I saw and said goodbye to my good friend Mindy yesterday (and sat and cried, especially after reading her note) I thought about the Lord's watchful hand in my life.
I thought about timing.
I thought about friendship.
I thought about people who see us at our worst and still love us.
I thought about people who only see us at our best.
I thought about people who see our potential and what we are trying to make of ourselves.
I thought about my journey (particularly these past few days of it).
I know I am never alone.
I know the paths that cross with mine, especially the ones that leave deeper footprints, are another way a loving Father is blessing my life, leading me along, brightening my way and letting me know He cares.
I finished my order for three bracelets and three necklaces. I hope she likes them.
I am creating jewelry right now and loving it. I'll take some photos.
Here is my cover page and entry for my circle journal.

my entry

I am even feeling anxious to start scrapping again. Once I get past the business!
On that note, thanks Jen for the Basic Grey stuff! Can't wait to use it!
I am doing photos on Friday EARLY in the morning, well I'm not taking photos until later, but I am getting up at the crack, to drive to the shoot.
This weekend we are going camping, just our little family.
I have been called to serve as secretary in the Young Women Organization.
We took Q to the doctor today. I took this photo of her 'issue' yesterday. I don't like it when I don't feel like doctors are interested. It bugs me.

And now for the reflections, the 'perspective' part of today's entry...
After I saw and said goodbye to my good friend Mindy yesterday (and sat and cried, especially after reading her note) I thought about the Lord's watchful hand in my life.
I thought about timing.
I thought about friendship.
I thought about people who see us at our worst and still love us.
I thought about people who only see us at our best.
I thought about people who see our potential and what we are trying to make of ourselves.
I thought about my journey (particularly these past few days of it).
I know I am never alone.
I know the paths that cross with mine, especially the ones that leave deeper footprints, are another way a loving Father is blessing my life, leading me along, brightening my way and letting me know He cares.