Today it's raining. It's not so bad. The boys were supposed to go on a father/son camp out on Friday, but opted not due to a huge storm that was coming... that never came. It may be here!
Where does the time go? It takes time to write, and sometimes I just don't feel like I have it!
Instead of Matt taking G camping we spent time together as a family. Since I was gone the weekend before and will be again this weekend, family time was needed! We went to dinner at a new Mexican restaurant, not too bad, and went to feed the ducks and geese.
Oh, my kiddies love this! Here are some photos...

Saturday I got to go shopping! Love it! I got a great little sweater in a fab color, some capri's, and a little 'pick me up', rather pick 'them' up at Victoria Secret... there is nothing like a good bra! (Sorry Rod, and any other McAfee brother that reads this!!! But, hey, it's the truth!)
After Matt took some time to go hit golf balls we went out to dinner again! We hit Chili's and it was empty! Everyone was home watching the Buffalo Sabers continue their winning streak in the finals! GOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sabers... not that I watch!
Matt and I watched two movies this weekend, unheard of for us! We saw King Kong and Harry Potter 4. We still haven't seen the third one! We are a bit out of it! Last night we started yet another. An oldie but goodie, we suspect, Mr. Smith goes to Washington. It's good so far. Love old movies!
I can't believe I go on vacation again in two days, I've gotta get ready!
I feel like I'm running behind!
Where does the time go? It takes time to write, and sometimes I just don't feel like I have it!
Instead of Matt taking G camping we spent time together as a family. Since I was gone the weekend before and will be again this weekend, family time was needed! We went to dinner at a new Mexican restaurant, not too bad, and went to feed the ducks and geese.
Oh, my kiddies love this! Here are some photos...

Saturday I got to go shopping! Love it! I got a great little sweater in a fab color, some capri's, and a little 'pick me up', rather pick 'them' up at Victoria Secret... there is nothing like a good bra! (Sorry Rod, and any other McAfee brother that reads this!!! But, hey, it's the truth!)
After Matt took some time to go hit golf balls we went out to dinner again! We hit Chili's and it was empty! Everyone was home watching the Buffalo Sabers continue their winning streak in the finals! GOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sabers... not that I watch!
Matt and I watched two movies this weekend, unheard of for us! We saw King Kong and Harry Potter 4. We still haven't seen the third one! We are a bit out of it! Last night we started yet another. An oldie but goodie, we suspect, Mr. Smith goes to Washington. It's good so far. Love old movies!
I can't believe I go on vacation again in two days, I've gotta get ready!
I feel like I'm running behind!