Just another manic Monday
Weekend update:
Friday night... babysat. Hmmmm, glad I don't have to do that again for a while!
Saturday... worked outside for a change. That didn't last long! We got a couple flower beds looking nice, we pulled out a stump, we tried to pull out one of three hedges... in hopes of transplanting it... and failed. After that, we were done! We will need to pay someone to do that for us! I guess we could just rip them out, but why when we could use them elsewhere?
There was some walking down the lane of memories after our outside working. We went to 'the sev' as we used to call it, to get slurpees. I thought for old time sake I would get me some nachos. There was a 7-11 right next to our elementary school, on the way home, and quite often, Mindy and I would head on over for a slurpee and some nachos. Now they are all sanitary and the chips come pre-bagged. Probably a smart idea! The cheese wasn't working on Saturday so I had to pass, but really wanted to complete my walk with a taste from my childhood. It may be a good thing I didn't, the place was sort of a pit!
We went out Saturday night. A friend threw a surprise party for her husband. It was good times. We got a babysitter and I don't even know if I should go into how annoyed I was that the little neighbor girl didn't head home when I asked her to and stayed to 'help'. There will be rules clearly explained the next time we leave. Annoyed, I can't even go there.
Sunday... did church, then home for naps. We went to a new family's house for dinner. I always enjoy getting to know new people. Good times.
Here is a little before/after action in the kitchen. It's not 'complete' but you get the idea.

Today... got the car appointment set. Want to check it out before I take off on Thursday.
Scrapped for a minute or two. I don't think I'll post what I've been working on. I don't want to judge it and I always do when I put it out there.
Got an email from Beth showing THIS layout. Can you see me? Do you see all of those madly famous scrapping faces? I feel a little bit cool, even though none of them know me at all. Seeing my face up there makes me happy! Thanks Beth! What a pal!
What is the most adventurous activity you did with your family?
Since my dad had a stroke when I was young I don't remember anything too 'adventurous' although I think my dad has a very adventurous spirit.
*Growing up we did go to this place Aspen Grove one year and all of us rock climbed and repelled.
*When I was dating Matt we all went parasailing together. Even my dad went. That was pretty interesting... seeing my brothers try to fling him into the air as the boat took off, since he can't run! My SIL, poor little thing, got drug through the trees!
*With extended family, on Matt's side there is much ATV and motorcycle riding, which is pretty adventurous. I even had my first riding (me driving) experience since being married to him. It was just us girls, I had just learned how to ride, like 2 minutes before, and we all took off down a dirt road. We ran into some big field sprinklers and, experienced rider that I am, I tried to take the high dry part and totally biffed it, and slid into the mud! It was joyous!
*Our own little family is more into the grab your clothes and jump in the car type adventures. Not much of the 'live on the edge' adventures.
Friday night... babysat. Hmmmm, glad I don't have to do that again for a while!
Saturday... worked outside for a change. That didn't last long! We got a couple flower beds looking nice, we pulled out a stump, we tried to pull out one of three hedges... in hopes of transplanting it... and failed. After that, we were done! We will need to pay someone to do that for us! I guess we could just rip them out, but why when we could use them elsewhere?
There was some walking down the lane of memories after our outside working. We went to 'the sev' as we used to call it, to get slurpees. I thought for old time sake I would get me some nachos. There was a 7-11 right next to our elementary school, on the way home, and quite often, Mindy and I would head on over for a slurpee and some nachos. Now they are all sanitary and the chips come pre-bagged. Probably a smart idea! The cheese wasn't working on Saturday so I had to pass, but really wanted to complete my walk with a taste from my childhood. It may be a good thing I didn't, the place was sort of a pit!
We went out Saturday night. A friend threw a surprise party for her husband. It was good times. We got a babysitter and I don't even know if I should go into how annoyed I was that the little neighbor girl didn't head home when I asked her to and stayed to 'help'. There will be rules clearly explained the next time we leave. Annoyed, I can't even go there.
Sunday... did church, then home for naps. We went to a new family's house for dinner. I always enjoy getting to know new people. Good times.
Here is a little before/after action in the kitchen. It's not 'complete' but you get the idea.

Today... got the car appointment set. Want to check it out before I take off on Thursday.
Scrapped for a minute or two. I don't think I'll post what I've been working on. I don't want to judge it and I always do when I put it out there.
Got an email from Beth showing THIS layout. Can you see me? Do you see all of those madly famous scrapping faces? I feel a little bit cool, even though none of them know me at all. Seeing my face up there makes me happy! Thanks Beth! What a pal!
What is the most adventurous activity you did with your family?
Since my dad had a stroke when I was young I don't remember anything too 'adventurous' although I think my dad has a very adventurous spirit.
*Growing up we did go to this place Aspen Grove one year and all of us rock climbed and repelled.
*When I was dating Matt we all went parasailing together. Even my dad went. That was pretty interesting... seeing my brothers try to fling him into the air as the boat took off, since he can't run! My SIL, poor little thing, got drug through the trees!
*With extended family, on Matt's side there is much ATV and motorcycle riding, which is pretty adventurous. I even had my first riding (me driving) experience since being married to him. It was just us girls, I had just learned how to ride, like 2 minutes before, and we all took off down a dirt road. We ran into some big field sprinklers and, experienced rider that I am, I tried to take the high dry part and totally biffed it, and slid into the mud! It was joyous!
*Our own little family is more into the grab your clothes and jump in the car type adventures. Not much of the 'live on the edge' adventures.