Little Things

It's the little things I'm grateful for (this may be a good layout)

*A husband, all ready to head out the door, saying, hurry and go, I'll wait.
(I didn't want to take the kids running so I hurried and went by myself while he waited)

*My Eddie Bauer coffee mug that, by the way, has never had a cup of coffee in it (don't drink it). It's perfect for my little pellets of ice that are the perfect companion to my neon straw, and that, oh so yummy, Diet Cherry Coke (totally into this flava right now!)

*Talking to my sister on the phone. Love that girl, miss that girl, sometimes wish I lived closer to that girl.

*Little surprises, like a plate of cookies dropped off by my cute friend Laura. So unexpected and so sweet!

*Hearing Q tell Heavenly Father, in her prayers, that she's grateful to play chess with daddy.

*Having Q go potty in the big toity. The cleanup is so much quicker that way!

*Watching Will & Grace re-runs, snuggled up to my man.
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