-Talked to Jess on the phone. Love that girl! It has been WAY too long since we've chatted. She is one of those friends that stay the same, feels like no time has passed since we've been together, but it does bite that I never get to see her... love you guys!
-Friday night I scrapped with some girlfriends. I didn't have much success this time around. I tried to do jewelry too, but just wasn't feeling it. Always a good time though.
-This was a funny thing from Friday. I had noticed it being quiet in the family room, but figured the kids were really liking Sesame Street and didn't want to mess with a good thing, so I stayed in my room! I finally checked on them and found G asleep on the floor!!! That has never happened! He had got up early that morning so I knew he was tired, but I didn't think for a second he'd zonk out on the floor! Very silly! By the way, my interesting placement of the coffee table (mom) is due to his little fingers that like to push the buttons on our TV! He doesn't yet get the concept of NO!

-I needed a day to run by myself. I've been running on Saturdays with a little club of gals. I needed to go by myself on Saturday. Felt soooo good.
-Matt went golfing with some guys from work! Great for him!
-I went shopping!!!!! Made some fantastic purchases! I love shopping!!! I've been blowing my $$$$ on scrap stuff and craft stuff lately. I miss buying clothes! I had a wonderful time! I got some great stuff for my kids too.
-Church picnic that evening. I love being social! This was good times! I haven't thrown a football in a while; need to throw with Matt in our yard more.
-I was soooo tired Saturday night I went to bed early. So, I had to get up early to prepare my lesson for the little kiddies at church.
-Q wore her new dress today. She looks SOOOO grown up to me today. It's also her big girl pony tail that gets me.
-It's been a while since I've taken my monthly photos of the kids, haven't done it in months! I will start again!
-Speaking of children growing... it's weird when the pants that were too tight for little G at one year are now too big for my growing child! He has thinned out so much. Now that is a great way to save $$$. I don't think I need to buy him new clothes for the fall!
-Matt was set apart today as the Elders Quorum President. For those that read this and are of different faiths, it's a big job! Many blessings will come from all of his service and it will be great for him and our family and those that he serves.

-Last thing for today is the layout I finished today. The layout is a fun one about super powers! The journaling is about Matt's super-human abilities to remember! He has a steel trap for a mind!
-Talked to Jess on the phone. Love that girl! It has been WAY too long since we've chatted. She is one of those friends that stay the same, feels like no time has passed since we've been together, but it does bite that I never get to see her... love you guys!
-Friday night I scrapped with some girlfriends. I didn't have much success this time around. I tried to do jewelry too, but just wasn't feeling it. Always a good time though.
-This was a funny thing from Friday. I had noticed it being quiet in the family room, but figured the kids were really liking Sesame Street and didn't want to mess with a good thing, so I stayed in my room! I finally checked on them and found G asleep on the floor!!! That has never happened! He had got up early that morning so I knew he was tired, but I didn't think for a second he'd zonk out on the floor! Very silly! By the way, my interesting placement of the coffee table (mom) is due to his little fingers that like to push the buttons on our TV! He doesn't yet get the concept of NO!

-I needed a day to run by myself. I've been running on Saturdays with a little club of gals. I needed to go by myself on Saturday. Felt soooo good.
-Matt went golfing with some guys from work! Great for him!
-I went shopping!!!!! Made some fantastic purchases! I love shopping!!! I've been blowing my $$$$ on scrap stuff and craft stuff lately. I miss buying clothes! I had a wonderful time! I got some great stuff for my kids too.
-Church picnic that evening. I love being social! This was good times! I haven't thrown a football in a while; need to throw with Matt in our yard more.
-I was soooo tired Saturday night I went to bed early. So, I had to get up early to prepare my lesson for the little kiddies at church.
-Q wore her new dress today. She looks SOOOO grown up to me today. It's also her big girl pony tail that gets me.
-It's been a while since I've taken my monthly photos of the kids, haven't done it in months! I will start again!
-Speaking of children growing... it's weird when the pants that were too tight for little G at one year are now too big for my growing child! He has thinned out so much. Now that is a great way to save $$$. I don't think I need to buy him new clothes for the fall!
-Matt was set apart today as the Elders Quorum President. For those that read this and are of different faiths, it's a big job! Many blessings will come from all of his service and it will be great for him and our family and those that he serves.

-Last thing for today is the layout I finished today. The layout is a fun one about super powers! The journaling is about Matt's super-human abilities to remember! He has a steel trap for a mind!