Eight years together
Yesterday was our 8th wedding anniversary. Eight years married to an incredible person, my best friend. Eight years of happiness, security, and growth. I love being married. I love being committed to someone beyond a piece of paper. I love knowing he feels the same. I love the security and comfort that come from knowing he will never leave, he will hold my heart and love as precious gifts and I'll do the same for him.
Sorry for the sap, but I can't help it. I truly am blessed and love this man more than I will love anything else on this earth.
We will go out to eat sometime soon and... perfectly timed... our camera came yesterday! Blessed little thing, it's like child #3! We read and played and I took it out for a spin at the lake today. As soon as I figure out how to download them I'll show a few great photos. LOVE this camera!
On a completely unrelated note... I need to get control of myself... I can't stop eating these bite-sized Heath candy bars!

We will go out to eat sometime soon and... perfectly timed... our camera came yesterday! Blessed little thing, it's like child #3! We read and played and I took it out for a spin at the lake today. As soon as I figure out how to download them I'll show a few great photos. LOVE this camera!
On a completely unrelated note... I need to get control of myself... I can't stop eating these bite-sized Heath candy bars!