Girlfriends are a necessity

Some of my girlfriends from UT. Taken 12/04Posted by Hello

Some girlfriends from Buffalo Posted by Hello

A little quote: "There is no wilderness like a life without friends; friendship multiplies blessings and minimizes misfortunes; it is a unique remedy against adversity, and it soothes the soul.” Baltasar Gracian

There is no other replacement for friendship. Girlfriends are a necessity! Each one unique and each one filling a specific place in my heart, I love having friendships.

I’ve yet to figure out how one constantly seeking out friendship could feel so friendless. I did, but don’t anymore.

I value keeping in touch with, feeling needed by, relating to, laughing with,and connecting to friends. It truly soothes my soul.

I have found and continue to find wonderful friendships. It’s sort of like having children… in a less painful way, most of the time! Each one is unique and each one has something different and meaningful to offer. Each one is beautiful and loved. If I lost one it would leave a hole in my heart, but that same heart has room for so many more!

I don’t question how it all works. I’m just grateful. Thank you to my friends. You multiply my blessings and minimize my misfortunes, you soothe my soul.