
rainbow 1


Today has been a day of packing, listening to the rain, and packing! With only a week to go I feel that I can really start loading up.
I just looked outside about 15 minutes ago and saw a yellow stormy sky. That first picture doesn't have the color right. It was very cool and different to see a yellow sunset... through a storm. I took all of these photos under my umbrella. As I turned around to come inside I saw the rainbow. It's amazing how quickly they vanish as the sun changes it's location. Ah, the wonders of nature. What a beautiful world.
Back to packing. I'm making headway!
I've also been very bored during the "down" time. I don't know what to do with myself! I can't scrap, I hate watching TV without tivo and don't have any shows recorded, reading would be nice but the few mags I have out I've read. I should have left a book out! I need to purchase one! I get so antsy and anxious I don't know what to do with myself when I'm not packing!
We finally saw "The Incredibles"! Funny show! We had some good laughs. We also watched "Mask" last night. That is a good show. Real tear jerker!
My last thoughts for today are:
Disposable disinfecting wipes ROCK!
I need a haircut! I'm waiting to go to "Bangs" in Buff. Love that place!
Mac and Cheese is good if you haven't had it for many years!
I love that Q loves to cuddle with me.
Garrison might be biting me because he's getting more teeth!

rainbow 1


Today has been a day of packing, listening to the rain, and packing! With only a week to go I feel that I can really start loading up.
I just looked outside about 15 minutes ago and saw a yellow stormy sky. That first picture doesn't have the color right. It was very cool and different to see a yellow sunset... through a storm. I took all of these photos under my umbrella. As I turned around to come inside I saw the rainbow. It's amazing how quickly they vanish as the sun changes it's location. Ah, the wonders of nature. What a beautiful world.
Back to packing. I'm making headway!
I've also been very bored during the "down" time. I don't know what to do with myself! I can't scrap, I hate watching TV without tivo and don't have any shows recorded, reading would be nice but the few mags I have out I've read. I should have left a book out! I need to purchase one! I get so antsy and anxious I don't know what to do with myself when I'm not packing!
We finally saw "The Incredibles"! Funny show! We had some good laughs. We also watched "Mask" last night. That is a good show. Real tear jerker!
My last thoughts for today are:
Disposable disinfecting wipes ROCK!
I need a haircut! I'm waiting to go to "Bangs" in Buff. Love that place!
Mac and Cheese is good if you haven't had it for many years!
I love that Q loves to cuddle with me.
Garrison might be biting me because he's getting more teeth!